Planning of the number of servicing transfinals — «Construction industry portal»
For example, during the planned year it is required to train 30 people with a duration of training 3 months and 30 people with a duration of training 1 month. Thus, the total number of people/months of study is 120 (30 3 + 30 1), and the average annual number of students10 people (120: 12).
The number of employees of housing and communal and cultural organizations is planned on the basis of staffing tables with a division for administrative and managerial personnel. Administrative and managerial personnel are regulated by typical states, and the number of maintenance personnel is planned based on the approved service rate, taking into account the full support of cultural services for housing and maintaining it in exemplary purity.
The number of personnel for the overhaul of buildings and structures produced in an economic way is planned on the basis of estimates compiled by the enterprise for objects subject to major repairs in the planned year.
The calculation base for determining the number of workers engaged in experimental work and on the work on the development of new types of products, new technological processes, etc. D., The special estimates of these works for the planned year are approved by higher organizations.
Labor productivity and reserves for its increase
Labor performance planning
The labor productivity plan is the basis of the plan for work. Indicators of labor productivity are the development of products in natural {m2 or m3 of concrete or ceramic products) or money (rub.) the expression on one average worker or employee per hour, shift, month, quarter and year. In this regard, in the practice of work of building materials, time, interchangeable, monthly, quarterly and annual indicators of labor productivity of workers are distinguished.
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