Installation of the cable car terminal between and China is planned to begin in September

«By the end of August, the construction of the foundations of the linear support will begin, and the installation of the terminal’s metal structures will begin in September,» the report says.
Now the work of the zero cycle is being completed: the site has been prepared, underground communications and engineering networks have been laid. «The unique, unique in the world, cross-border cableway over the river will definitely become a point of attraction for tourists to the Amur Region, not only from Russia and China, but also from other countries. Taking into account the turn of the Russian economy to the east and the President’s personal attention to the development of the Far East, such infrastructure projects give huge potential for the growth of all related areas,» the press service quoted the head of the region, Vasily Orlov, as saying.
The cable car will consist of four lines and operate on a pendulum principle like a funicular. Gondolas with a capacity of 60 people will go over the Amur. The capacity of the road is 457 people per hour and 6-7 thousand people per day. The interval between flights will not exceed 12-15 minutes. It is expected that in the first year of operation the passenger traffic will be 1 million people, later it will increase to 2.5 million people in both directions
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