Preparation of walls for facing work
When a brand new country house or cottage is already firmly standing on the ground, it seems that the completion of construction is very close. But having entered inside, from heaven, naked concrete or brick walls make you go down to the earth. Another construction process begins — finishing. This event is costly and time -consuming, so you need to start measured with the most important thing — the rough preparation of walls, ceiling and floor.
The purpose of this procedure is to align the surface. But before the alignment itself there is another, the most “dirty”, work — laying electrical wiring, laying sewer communications and water supply, installation of heating radiators.
In the installation of electrical wiring, it is important to plan the input points, that is, sockets and switches. Perhaps in some rooms there will be passing switches that require additional cables. And just you need to lay on the walls, ceiling or floor wire. This also includes Internet cables and telephone line. At this stage, accessories are not placed — this is already decorating the room.
The next stage of draft preparation is the alignment with the surface with three solutions — a primer, plaster, putty. These materials are easily applied if you used a special silicate brick during construction. You can find out all its advantages and disadvantages at- /News /236-Preimuschestva-I-Nedostatki-Silikatnogo-Kirpicha.HTML.
The primer is necessary for good adhesion of all materials, and, the stern of it, has good protective properties, both for walls and for humans.
Plaster is necessary to make the surface even vertically and horizontal, as well as hide gross irregularities.
Shpatlevka hides minor defects, for example, chips, pits, bumps. This solution is also different — there are which you need to mix with water, there are already ready for application. For all surfaces, their types of putty. In addition, there are putties that previously level surfaces, and there are that that lies with the finish layer.
Then there is already decorative cladding with wallpaper, paint, ceramic tiles and other. But this is a completely different story.
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