Українські підприємці все активніше підкорюють міжнародні онлайн-майданчики, такі як Amazon, Etsy, Ebay, Shopify. ...

У сучасному світі глобальний бізнес стає все більш конкурентним і динамічним. Підприємства шукають нові можливості для розвитку та розширення свого бізнесу на міжнародному ринку. ...

The United States seeks to undermine stability in the South China Sea (SCS) for its own geopolitical interests. This was stated by Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi. ...

Tightening control over the export of gallium and germanium by China is not directed against individual states. This was stated by the Chinese Ambassador to Germany, Wu Ken, in an interview with the Berliner Zeitung newspaper. ...

Taiwan’s prosecutors suspect three employees of Largan Precision, a company that makes optical lenses and other camera equipment for iPhones and other Apple products, of stealing technology. This was reported by the Central News Agency of the island. ...

Как правило, игла для оверлока действительно играет немаловажную роль в процессе шитья. Это факт, с которым нельзя поспорить. ...

In an era of widespread digital transformation, where technology becomes an integral part of everyday life, cybersecurity has become a priority for organizations and businesses around the world. ...

Comments: Maxim Article: which windows are better? Commented: Valery Ivanovich ...

When buying real estate, there is no place for the traditional Russian “maybe” — the price of the issue is too high. ...

The selection of an outfit for its sleeping place, in particular covering, is a difficult and responsible matter. ...