Авіаційні влади США і Китаю до 29 жовтня збільшать кількість дозволених пасажирських рейсів в країни один одного до 24 на тиждень. Про це повідомляє Bloomberg з посиланням на заяву міністерства транспорту США. ...

Belgorod State National Research University (NRU «BelSU») has signed a cooperation agreement with the East China Pedagogical University, from which it plans to learn from the experience of introducing artificial intelligence in education. ...

The Lipetsk automaker Motorinvest will launch sales of the Chinese pickup truck Dongfeng DF6 in Russia, the company said. ...

Wooden houses from a beam and a looped log are perfect for year -round residence. ...

Of course, first of all, people strive for aura for shopping. ...

Frame technology was first applied in Canada. The fast pace of buildings and the cheapness of building materials and works contributed to the spread of this technology for all European countries. ...

For a long time passed the days when our ancestors got off the tree and began to equip ground dwellings. ...

The hut roof of which is used very often in the construction sector, can be used as an attic superstructure. ...

Comments: Maxim Article: which windows are better? Commented: Valery Ivanovich ...

In order to replace or lay a new coating in your apartment or in the office, special skills are not required. ...